A new Silent Comedy show “Gupp Chupp” is starting on SAB TV from 23rd July, 2016 at 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday night. The New Silent Comedy Show is titled as “Gupp Chupp” is produced by Manish Popat under Saregama Productions. The show is directed by Prabal Baruah.
Story/ Plot of Gupp Chupp Serial on Sab Tv – The show revolves around two families the Singhs and the Kohlis who are poles apart and their main bone of contention is their business. The Kohli’s run a cake shop and the Singhs run a mithai shop. Both the families are at loggerheads as they try their best to outdo each other.
- Samiksha Bhatnagar
- Naveen Bawa
- Saanand Verma
- Monica Castelino
Timing Schedule of Gupp Chupp Serial Sab tv
- TV Show Name :- ‘Gupp Chupp’
- Tv Channel Name – SAB tv
- Launch Date :- 23 July, 2016
- Days :- Sat-Sun
- Timing:- 08.00pm
- Genre :-Silent Comedy